NOTE: All training is customized to fit the needs of your district, state or organization.
• 3 to 6 hours of speaker presentation, audience participation and discussions.
• Additional day of on-site consultation to address specific cases and situations.
• Video conference: 3-6 hours interactive presentation via Zoom or Google Hangout
On-site consultations
- Direct consultation with districts, states or organizations on designing and implementing a swallowing and feeding team procedure. These consultations may be ongoing as needed.
For information on arranging a presentation, course or consultation please contact me.
Getting Started with a Comprehensive Procedure for Addressing Swallowing and Feeding in a School Setting
- justification of addressing swallowing and feeding disorders in the school setting
- IDEA requirements, educational relevance, and legal and ethical issues.
- swallowing and feeding procedure that includes a step- by-step process
- delineation of team member roles and responsibilities
- working with families
- documentation
- intervention.