- Management of Swallowing and Feeding Disorders in the Schools (2016). First Edition. Plural Publishing, Inc.
- Contribution to The Communication Casebook: Learning by Example (2011) Chabon, S. & Cohn, E. Case study on dysphagia in the school setting.
- Contribution to Survival Guide for School-Based Speech-Language Pathologist (1999) Pritchard-Dodge, E.
Journal Articles
- Homer, E., & Carbajal, P.. (2015). Swallowing and feeding services in the schools: from therapy to the sinner table. Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia), 24, 155-161.
- Homer, E., (2009). Issues of management of swallowing and feeding disorders in the school setting Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia) 18, 80-85
- Homer, E., (2008). Establishing a public school dysphagia program: a model for administration and service provision. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 39, 177-187.
- Homer, E., (2004). Dysphagia in the schools: one school district’s proactive approach to providing services to children. Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia), 13, 1, 7-9.
- Homer, E., Beauxis, N., & Fish-Finnigan, A., (2003). Treatment of dysphagia in the schools: three case studies. Perspectives on Swallowing and Swallowing Disorders (Dysphagia), 12, 1, 20-26.
- Homer, E., (2003). An interdisciplinary team approach to providing dysphagia Treatment in the Schools. In N. Bernstein Ratner, N. Helm-Estabrooks, & K.Whitmire (Eds), Surviving and Thriving in the Schools, 24, 3, 215-227.
- Homer, E., Bickerton, C., Hill, S., Parham, L., & Taylor, D. (2000). Development of an interdisciplinary dysphagia team in the public schools. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31, 62-75.
Online Articles
- Homer, E., (2017). “Dysphagia Cafeteria: Navigating School-based Dysphagia.” Dysphagia Cafe.
- ASHA Convention, (2016, 2015, 2014, 2012) Various sessions related to topic: Addressing Swallowing and Feeding Disorders in the School Setting
- ASHA Convention, 2009, Behavioral and Electrophysiological Evidence of CANS Plasticity After Auditory Training Auditory Training Annette Hurley, Ph.D., Raymond M. Hurley, Ph.D., & Emily Homer, M.S., CCC-SLP
- 2007 SLP Education Summit, “The Subject is Change”: Creating a Vision for the Future Education of Speech-Language Pathologists, February 2, 2007, New Orleans, LA
- ASHA Schools Conference, 2007, Pittsburgh, PA